Courses Category

Specialising in connecting skills development initiatives to operational requirements and the new BBBEE codes of good practice we have made priority elements achievable to our clients.

Access and use information from texts 

Learners at this level are able to read or view, understand and respond to texts on a range of topics.
Learners credited with this unit standard are able to:

  • Use a range of reading and/or viewing strategies to make meaning of texts.
  • Identify the main ideas in different text types.
  • Read/view and respond to texts for a variety of purposes.
  • Identify and discuss how language structures and features may influence a reader/audience.

Learners can understand and explain that languages have certain features and conventions, which can be manipulated. Learners can apply this knowledge and adapt language to suit different contexts, audiences and purposes. Knowledge of formats, conventions, protocol and context is acquired through activities used to attain this standard.

That learners are already competent in terms of the full spectrum of language knowledge laid down in the Revised National Curriculum Statements up to and including GETC or NQF level 1.
Learners can:

  • Read and/or view for information and enjoyment, and respond critically to the aesthetic, cultural and emotional values in texts.

Connect with us

1013 Clifton Avenue, Lyttelton, Centurion, Gauteng, 0062
CETA accredited training provider (ACC / 17 /07 /00005)

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